
Disponemos de 15 huertos vallados con riego individualizado por tubería. Contamos con todas las ventajas propias del polideportivo como Parking, Cafeteria, Piscina. Adicionalmente contamos con varios FOOD TRUCK´S que llevan nuestros productos hasta nuestros clientes.

Disponemos de semillas, abono, y todo el material necesario para realizar el cultivo de forma ecológica.

Mantenemos en perfecto estado las instalaciones para uso y disfrute de los clientes.

Nuestra ingeniera agronoma imparte clases y cursillos tanto en nuestras instalaciones como en colegios y otras instituciones.

Realizamos cursillos y talleres de horticultura varias veces al año

Hacemos caballones, removemos la tierra, y tiramos abono

Disponemos de hojas de cultivo mes a mes para nuestros clientes.

Entrega a domicilio
Gente feliz
Toneladas de bien
Cultivos plantados

Lo que dicen nuestros clientes

Let real testimonials do the speaking! Pick the best and display them in this section.

If you are looking for some awesome, knowledgeable people to work with, these are the guys I highly recommend. Their friendliness and result-driven approach are what I love about them.
young man, portrait, beard
Carlos Cortez
Fashion Designer
If you are looking for some awesome, knowledgeable people to work with, these are the guys I highly recommend. Their friendliness and result-driven approach are what I love about them.
Gema Vannesa
Asistente Admin.
If you are looking for some awesome, knowledgeable people to work with, these are the guys I highly recommend. Their friendliness and result-driven approach are what I love about them.
Alex Campos
Comunity Manager
If you are looking for some awesome, knowledgeable people to work with, these are the guys I highly recommend. Their friendliness and result-driven approach are what I love about them.
Rafael Hueso
Jefe de Mantenimiento

Llevemos los productos mas frescos a tu hermosa casa

Use these paragraphs to focus on the topic in the headline. Make sure you keep it short and attractive.